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Re: [LUG] Sat Nav Updates


On 29/03/15 17:55, Neil Winchurst wrote:

> I have been reading all this with interest. Meanwhile I have been
> researching some more. It seems to me that the first thing you have to
> do with a new sat nav is to register it. This requires me to download
> and then run an exe file. Sorry, but I can't run an exe file.

Download the Win10 technical preview - free as in beer, for 180 days at
least if any of the previous demo lifetimes is anything to go by.
Alternatively, download any other version of Windows, you'll get a
limited but (relatively) generous trial period at the end of which you
can trash the VM after exporting it's settings, and then spend five
minutes on a scripted reinstall of a new copy importing your old
settings as you go (see: Windows image deployment, sysprep, etc).

Install in a VM, obviously - Virtualbox is more than good enough. Run
sandboxed exes in a snapshotted instance for fun and profit. Even
quicker, but not necessarily easier: just run your MS installers under
wine, but that can admittedly be a bit of a trial of your patience and

Sometimes you Linux hippies are your own worst enemies - Linux even
supplies the tools to deal effortlessly with "the enemy" so no matter
how allergic you think you are to closed source proprietary code when it
comes to annoying stuff like updating satnavs or using winmodems,
reflashing the BIOS, etc, just roll up your sleeves and accept that
there is a standard, simple and accepted method to handle this. Install
Windows: virtualised, sandboxed, legal and free.

I have the same issue with the numerous Apple wielding clients I
reluctantly support: DMG mounting, HFS+ r/w support, etc, etc - all a
massive pain in the arse under Linux. So I just hack VMWare Workstation
with the unlocker binary patcher, install OS X 10.10 natively and run
all the tools and tests I need virtually. Problem solved.

Seriously, virtualisation is the answer to nearly every operating system
incompatibility issue ever, why are we still even having this
conversation? I also run OpenVMS under Qemu for example, so I don't have
to post stupid questions to VMS forums about why Linux can't run my VMS

User:   blah blah linux blah blah need to run $BINARY
Sysop:  virtualise it you moron
User:   blah blah RMS FLOSS blah blah restrictive licensing freedom
Sysop:  DIAF i have work to do

Don't let misguided concerns about politics or licensing issues get in
your way when you want to get something done with stuff you legally own:
also don't needlessly handicap yourself by refusing to use the proper
tools for the job. Need windows? Use windows. This is not rocket science...


PS: required disclaimer - not having a go at anyone here, specifically
not Neil, the original poster. Who should just install windows in a VM.

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