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Re: [LUG] Grub Problem


On 16/08/2020 12:30, Sebastian wrote:
Dear Neil,

Apparently you can use 'apt-get -qq upgrade' to show everything but
errors. I haven't tried this (I use Zypper for packages currently) but
it should make it a bit easier to see problems.

I will have a look at that. Thanks.

Still learning, though. It had never occurred to me that the old
live USB would no longer work. Replacing it with the latest iso for
MX worked. I will remember that.

Hmm. This confuses me. Clearly you have done everything correctly
regarding BIOS boot order, but that you would get the same error
message is most puzzling. Perhaps someone on this list can explain - if
the old Live USB worked originally, why should it be affected by GRUB
problems on the internal hard drive?

As I said, I am confused too. At first I tried to log in with the USB stick that I had used to install MX in the first place. (That was at the end of last year when version 19 first came out.) This came up with the same error. So, as advised, I installed the most recent iso for MX on the same USB stick, and this worked perfectly. Then I was able to run the boot repair facility which is provided by MX.

So now it is all fine.



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