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Re: [LUG] train line to re-open April 4th


On 08/03/14 09:42, Brad Rogers wrote:
> On Sat, 08 Mar 2014 08:01:13 +0000
> GT <GT@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello GT,
>>  There is talk of a project to extend the existing Plymouth to 
>> Gunnislake line in exchange for a new housing estate to the West of 
>> Tavistock.
>> Bring it on I say.
> I suspect you would be in the minority, sadly.  Like you, and others
> here, I quite enjoy rail travel.  Sadly, pragmatism means I use the car
> more than rail;  Tickets for four people, even when booked in advance,
> can be more costly than car travel.   :-(
Despite more people using trains, the cost of tickets goes up,  which
doesn't seem right to me really



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