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Re: [LUG] Video Playing Problem



Thanks for the reply. It does seem to be vlc problem. I have installed
mpv and it works without any problems.

I am running gnome desktop but it keeps crashing. Maybe that is
causing an additional problem.

As you are aware the system has been buggy from the start. I thought
it was sorting itself out!

I have used rpmfusion. Didn't know about folks with hats though. How
do I use fedy though? I can't see an application etc.



On 30 December 2017 at 17:22, mr meowski <mr.meowski@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 30/12/17 14:17, Richard Brown wrote:
>> I cannot see that I am using Wayland though. I am running Gnome so I
>> suppose I am on Wayland?
> Basically yes you are by default - have a look here:
> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/f27/system-administrators-guide/Wayland.html
> There are potentially quite a lot pitfalls here you could have
> unintentionally fallen foul of: wayland is the default with gnome+gdm on
> Fedora but it is little bit buggy still. VLC (at least the 2.x release
> series which you're probably using) has flaky support for wayland which
> should be fixed in the upcoming VLC 3.x (which you're probably not
> using). That being said, VLC _should_ be falling back to the nested Xorg
> but it's obviously not. However, now all of your other programs _are_
> working so it's presumably (another) passing VLC fullscreen+wayland bug
> which will probably fixed next update. On top of all that there are yet
> further complications with Nvidia drivers (you're using a Nvidia 710
> right?) not having mainstream EGL stream support unless you're messing
> about with third party repositories...
> I would do yourself a massive favour and simply choose the "Gnome on
> X11" entry from the session selector when you next login, which will
> suffice to set it as the default from then on. For your use case there
> is nothing to be gained except headaches beta testing all of this
> complicated crap when boring old Xorg will serve you much better.
> You should find after logging in to "Gnome on X11" that fullscreen VLC
> will just work again and the whole thing should be a lot less flaky and
> unpredictable.
> Easiest way to check is run "echo $DESKTOP_SESSION" which will just say
> "gnome" if you're on Gnome+X and "gnome-wayland" if you're on
> Gnome+wayland. Definitely install mpv as well ("sudo dnf install mpv")
> for future use - it already has full wayland support for a start.
> As a Fedora user are you familiar with rpmfusion? And if you've not seen
> it before you'd probably find this very useful:
> https://www.folkswithhats.org/
> Cheers
> --
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Kind Regards

Richard Brown
07747 343637

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