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Re: [LUG] Yahoo spam article


On Thu, 27 Jun 2013 19:36:50 +0100
Simon Avery <digdilem@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Simon,

>> Most people would describe it as pedantry on my part....


>> non-equivalence, many people don't seem to get it.  One difference is
>> that gmail doesn't return list mails to the sender as one would 
>> with email.  That alone is enough.
>That's just rule-based behavior. Probably every mail client does

Yes, but I, the user, can't control it.  Bad news, AFAIAC and a deal
breaker for me.  It's saying "we won't give you all your email",
arguably.  Sure, there's a copy on google's servers, but I don't want
to have to go there to see it; I've got a perfectly good MUA, and don't
see why I should log into a google account just to see /some/ of my

>something different to its neighbour, otherwise there would be no point
>having more than one. Vive la difference!

I agree, totally.  Not everybody wants or likes the same thing(s).

>I'm using gmail's web interface right now, and it sure looks like a mail
>client to me. I also use gmail as an imap base, and a spam filtering

I don't deny that there's a client component, but that isn't to
totality of gmail.

>To say gmail isn't an email client is like saying water isn't wet. You

Not really, see above. 

>could probably pull some statistics and worthy research out of the hat
>to prove your case, but the rest of the world will be tutting and making
>circular motions around their ear...

I'm used to that.   :-)

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
We don't need no-one to tell us what's right or wrong
The Modern World - The Jam

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