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[LUG] After event use.


Mass data is only of use AFTER an event.
I.e.to get list of contacts to a known person/firm/email etc
Then the trawl starts for the connected persons.

Thus 60%-70% of all East German (DDR) stazi searches was the post event
trawl*, and ate up inordinate manpower. 15% of population in Stazi to
keep a (partial and incomplete) record of the others and themselves.

Typical record card " Miss XXX has an unusual sexual life"
(It was much thumbed! An example of useless information recorded and
shown to me while in training.)

This is main purpose of the record keeping of metadata.

Likewise, a certain Elizabethan spymaster was most interested in the
addresses of the mail (as receipt and payment made these 'logs' were
available)  and logged it  as well as the few 'interesting' letters in
mail from known persons.
Eion MacDonald

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