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Re: [LUG] Debian 7 and wifi


On 15/06/13 21:47, Neil Winchurst wrote:
On 15/06/13 19:03, bad apple wrote:

It sounds really stupid, but have you tried just getting the laptop
really damn close to either of your access points? Debian seems to be
trying to do the correct thing (it knows you are connecting to an ESSID
and not a simple single SSID) but for reasons unknown, is not happy.

Is it worth checking that you have enabled non-free and contrib in your
repos, and installed ALL of the relevant firmware files? Obviously only
once you have installed, of course, probably via a cable if the wifi
just proves too much of a pain in the arse.


As a final note on this episode, I was using the laptop today and it has finally died on me. It was given to me some years ago and it was quite old then. So I guess I am now in the market for a replacement, without any OS installed.

Oh well, thanks for everyone who replied. Still have the desktop of course.


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