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Re: [LUG] OT Virus


Martijn wrote:

> On topic: a lot of virus-scanning is (partly) based on heuristics. And
> unfortunately it has to be, as the people who write viruses never tell
> the anti-virus creators about the new viruses they have written, 

Depends how conspiratorial you're feeling. There has always been a 
strong link between anti and pro virus - with allegedly anti-virus 
companies paying virus writers for source code before the viruses are 
written so that they have the edge over other companies, and viruses 
written specifically to target certain AV packages.

It's a murky business sometimes, the anti-virus one - and I believe half 
the world's viruses would cease to be produced if all commercial AV 
systems went out of business.

Unfortunately, that would leave the other half, and even in a utopian 
world of free AV software like Clam, many people and businesses wouldn't 
trust /that/ unless they "Paid good money for it".

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