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Re: [LUG] OT Virus


>  The search engine is, currently, okay.  I say "currently" because as
>  time passes more and more sponsored links^W^W advertising is appearing
>  on the results pages.  Admittedly, there are no pictures, but I wonder
>  how long it'll be before there are.

Well, if someone would do a free internet over wireless uk wide and
all you have to do is have a browser with ads on it, then many would
use it.

I personally don't care if google does have ads on the search engine
or gmail. They also have to earn their keep as do I and as do you. Let
them. I use gmail a lot, mostly all of my mail is collected in gmail
for 2 reasons, centralised and searchable. Another good features
include large quota and labels. All this on a web based service is
good enough for me.

Jaan Jänesmäe

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