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Re: [LUG] link with computer shop now GNU/Linux beginners session


Mark Jose wrote:
> On Monday 09 July 2007 21:34, Rob Beard wrote:
>> Just taken a look at the DCGLUG site, I was wondering, could we have
>> maybe a New Users Start Here link or something along those lines?
>> Something that anyone new to Linux who has just moved over, or someone
>> who is interested in finding out more about Linux can click on and then
>> get information on how to get started?
>> Rob
> Seems a logical idea Rob - would you like to create it? Then we can hopefully 
> add stuff to it as we come across it. Or someone could write something to 
> introduce the basic ideas? 
> I was thinking as I typed that - do new users even know what a LUG is? So 
> maybe that is something we need to address in any leaflets or other materials 
> we create.
> Mark

Well I could try and come up with something.  I must admit most people I 
speak to don't know what a LUG is.  I try and explain it's like a 
computer group for people who use the GNU/Linux operating system.

I suppose one way of explaining it to non-techies is saying the LUG is 
like a support community where people help each other out.

Anyway, yeah, I'll see if I can come up with some ideas.


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