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[LUG]Re: Digging Emacs out of the grave.


On 27/03/2023 08:37, Anthony Williams via list wrote:

On 26/03/2023 13:43, Tom via list wrote:
As I mentioned elsewhere I've been playing with Lisp and I thought I'd have a crack at getting Slime (an Emacs extension/add on for Lisp) and in setting it up I notice it asks for mods to be made to .emacs which I expected to find in my home directory (I've played with Emac recently) only to discover .emacs.d directory which I presume is some modern repository for all things emacsy. Do I create a .emacs file in here or just in my home directory?

As others have said, you *can* create a .emacs file in your home directory, which overrides the .emacs.d contents, but the recommended practice is to create .emacs.d/init.el, and put anything you would put in .emacs in there instead.

Your customizations (from customize-group/customize-variable) end up in .emacs.d/custom.el rather than cluttering your .emacs file.



The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: https://www.dcglug.org.uk/faq/

Thanks - trying to find out what is now 'best practice' is nigh on impossible - the help files that came with emacs/emacs.gui mentioned an early-init.el but no mention of init.el than I've noticed thought that could be down to Ubuntu. I'm now having that weird experience where something I used on an hourly basis 30/40 years ago (?) seems to have merged all is keystrokes with every other thing that used to have keystrokes and I've got very faint echoes of all sorts of things banging around my head! Emacs alas seems to lack the capability of doing doing a full DRC/ERC/Spice simulation run that used to take a good 4 days while I learned new tricks in the library!

Tom te tom te tom

The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: https://www.dcglug.org.uk/faq/