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Re: [LUG] Realtek network adapter RTL8821c


On 18/09/2019 16:57, mr meowski wrote:
On 17/09/2019 20:20, George Parker wrote:

Thank you sir, ever the fount of all knowledge. I'll let you know if I'm
successful/competent enough.
If that was a bit cryptic or too technical here's a simplified version.
Download the following bleeding edge kernel packages from the Ubuntu
mainline repository (they should be fully compatible with Mint).

  From here:






Transfer all three files via USB or whatever to the Lenovo and install
them in one go:

sudo dpkg -i /path/to/files/linux-*.deb

Watch the terminal output carefully to make sure it doesn't throw any
obvious errors or complaints. Providing it installs cleanly, reboot and
see what happens when you boot with kernel 5.3 - it _should_ have the
relevant modules and support to bring up the network and fix some other
hardware/driver issues as well.

Hopefully you'll find this a lot easier than the netboot+chroot method.


Sorry to cause you more work by my flippant remark. I looked at what you said and I thought ' I've never actually used Ubuntu itself, always some derivative or other Debian derivative. So I installed Ubuntu 19.10 which gave me wired ethernet and took it from there. I know this is not a fully approved release but I can stand a bit of hassle, keeps the aged brain in shape. I followed an AskUbuntu post and down loaded an rtl8821ce driver from git and installed, no problem, to get wifi. If I don't like Ubuntu (or rather the household authority doesn't like Ubuntu) then I'll have to go back and get stuck into Mint with a bit more determination.

Once more, thanks for your, as ever, knowledgable and helpful posts.


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