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Re: [LUG] USB sticks part 2


On 03/04/2019 08:44, Neil wrote:
> On 02/04/2019 18:09, Eion MacDonald wrote:
>> First.
>> 1 Have you the ability to boot from a LIVE LINUX Knoppix distro?
>> 2 If so check each USB stick with GParted from Knoppix.
> I have never used Knoppix. I take it you mean download the iso for that
> distro and transfer it to one of the sticks via etcher. Then run the
> computer from the stick. Have I got that right?
>> 3 Then it should show how USB disk is partitioned and what if any flags
>> are set.
>> 4. Check those that work ok , and those that do not work and see the
>> difference.
> Why do I need Knoppix? Is it not like any usual Linux distro? Why can't
> I use the version of gparted that is already installed on my computer?
> I will have a search for Knoppix in DDGo to see what I still have to
> learn? Still a lot apparently!!
> Thanks for the help,
> Neil

Answers. 1 and 2
Yes.  Download Knoppix.  Burn to DVD.   Load (run) Knoppix onto a
computer from DVD.
Install Knoppix to a USB drive *from inside Live Knoppix*  and chose
without permanence. There is a menu item for this under Knoppix.
This avoids any hardware or BIOS corruption being carried over.
Etcher is running on a system that could be 'impure'.

Reason: Knoppix has much better hardware detection than any other Live
Linux. It is meant ONLY to be used as a Live Linux.
It is also a 'repair' system and is used by many exam boards to prepare
'a limited computer for use in exams' as it is modifiable.

I use it and have used it since Knoppix 3 in 1990s to access, use, (In
English) computers in Russia, China, Iran, Iraq, UK, EU etc.
Important NOTE at first boot screen stop loading by pressing letter "k"
 insert knoppix[space]lang=uk  to get a UK keyboard.
Otherwise it may load USA keyboard (UK mirrors) or default German
keyboard  (EU mirrors)
Sometimes get data of non booting computers, saved a few PhD students
who had no back ups to these is when Windows machines went non-booting.

Answers 3 , 4
quote: Why can't
> I use the version of gparted that is already installed on my computer?
that can be affected by hardware problems or software problems in your

Prof Dr Knopper has modified his distro extensively, so it works well as
a whole and is intended ONLY to be used as a Live Linux, but many places
use it in installed school systems (Canada, Brazil, Norway etc.)
His GParted  is not as in openSUSE (Parted) or Ubuntu modified by their
 'improvement' stuff.  From experience *I find it better* than the
GParted versions on other distros. (especially so compared to openSUSE!).

Download from  mirror University of Kent.
(Note this will be usually 2 or 3 versions behind the "LinuxTag" German
language version, which is only available form a German Linux Magazine)



Mirror should have version 8.2 available

Knoppix is a tool box every Linux user should have. I give a DVD to the
pupils I teach as their ultimate back up distro, for use when Windows
does not boot (90% of students use Windows).

Eion MacDonald

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