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Re: [LUG] Routers and Modems


 On 14/04/2012 16:18, Neil Winchurst wrote:
On 14/04/12 15:54, Robin Cornelius wrote:
On 14 April 2012 15:46, Martijn Grooten<sweetwatergeek@xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Neil Winchurst wrote:
Anyway, does this mean that I need both a modem and a router? And
if so, when I am looking for a new router must I make sure it includes a
modem? Up till now I had always assumed that it would.
It'd be hard to find a router that does not include a modem but yes,
they do exist and yes, you will need both so yes, it is best to make
sure the router does include a modem.
We have one that does not include a modem but that is because its
designed to plug in to two ADSL connections at once and so you need to
add on two modems to it. So you can have automatic fall over or load

Most standard off the shelf consumer ones have the modem portion built
in. The ones like i have tend to be more expensive and less common


Thanks to all for your help. Now I must continue my search for a router
which my Xperia phone likes. My phone does not like my current Netgear
router and goes through a connect/disconnect cycle. I have tested the
phone elsewhere and it is fine. Apparently this is a known problem which
I did not find out until too late. (It will connect for about an hour if
I reset the router and then it fails again.)

I was thinking of ugrading anyway, my router does not have 802.11N and
first came out over 10 years ago. So while I am at it I must make sure
that the Xperia phone is happy with it.

More research, sigh

Hi Neil,

Do you know what version of firmware your router has installed?

Before you spend any money I'd be inclined to make sure it's not a firmware issue.

Kind regards,


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