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Re: [LUG] [Fwd: Alex laptop aids computer novices]


Vivi Griffin wrote:
>> By the way, I have already got some feedback on my new site that it is
>> "difficult for older eyes to read". So, only about a week since it
>> went live, I have done a new version that enables the person looking
>> at it to increase and decrease the size of the text. I would be most
>> grateful if any of you would have a look and test it for me
>> - http://sticklepath.vivaciti.net/dartmoorit/
> Low contrast.  Black on purple.

    1.1  Very bad for old eyes due to contrast /colour choice.
    Black on blue is not easily read.

    Best contrast for legibility is black on yellow.
    (See info on emergency signs etc in petroleum industry)
    Second best is non-artistic black on white or pale white background

    Link colour 'dark red ? on blue is even worse.

    1.2  San Serif fonts are not best for easy readability.
    i, l 1 problem.   n, m rr problem.

    Suggest you change to a serif font.
    (As I read documents for a living, I am very conscious of legibility
    with my aged 69+ (western style) & 70+ (Chinese style) aged eyes.)

    1.3 Suggest you visit a dyslexic help site, which while not
    specific to
    your task it helps understanding of "clarity' of letters or text
    for older readers.

    1.4  plus or minus click on your size adjust works well.
    However you need to say "adjust by clicking on the screen + or -"
    as if
    someone (I did) uses the plus or minus on the keyboard it does not
    However control+  and Control- as usual in Firefox works

    Eion MacDonald

Thanks very much. I will make some changes. Do you think you might look at it again once i have?

Try and check all your work for accessibility - it may sound dumb but once your web site is accessible its finished - not flash or in the latest style - just done and dusted.
http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/tools/complete.html generally
http://gmazzocato.altervista.org/colorwheel/wheel.php for colours

and for those of you with the misfortune to have windows I did (start to) write an web site accessibility checker that I used in my last proper job. is in vb.net but can check your whole web site and used to do more complete and thorough checks than the commercial version that we had to pay £100 a run on an was (and may still be) used to assign ratings for public web sites by the government. Its GPL so...
Tom te tom te tom

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