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[LUG] computer fairs - an alternative plan


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If we can't get any computer fairs down, here or they are dying due to
vendors turning to the internet, perhaps this could be an alternate plan

Many charity groups and organisations hold events to raise funds, e.g
raffle,  stalls, etc, craft sales, bric-a-brac (for the benefit of those
who don't know what this is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bric-a-brac)

Perhaps we could look in to getting a table at such an event,  clearly
if we were to sell cd's or offer a cd burn service so if anyone wanted a
cd to take home with them we can simply burn for them (iso + simple bash
script to copy / burn to cd)

We could still sell these for £1 but donate 1/2 the profits to the said

We could by doing this target the sort of people who would benefit the
most from Linux,  low income people or perhaps someone who just wants a
simple set up, just to do e-mail, internet etc,

but at the same time we could offer our own services to help them if
need be, (given there are people here to fix computers etc) or at least
promote any local businesses that do. (so for ink perhaps we can promote
refresh cartridges)

Just an idea,  but perhaps once they know who we are we can perhaps see
if we can help them in otherways (old equipment right up to what rob set
up at exwick),  which i am sure there are many faclilties for older
people that would benefit.

any comments?


- --
Paul Sutton
Support Open and ISO standard file formats ISO 26300 odf
Next Linux User Group meet : March 7th : 3pm,  Shoreline Cafe Paignton
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