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Re: [LUG] Learning a language with linux

On Sun, Feb 08, 2004 at 08:21:47 +0000, Mike Callaghan wrote:
I cannot see how the majority of computer users need to know anything
CVS, bug reports, sending patches - but especially at a young age.
things do need teaching but at an appropriate age to an interested 
audience. That is, the 10% - 20% of the school population who will

You still have a misconfigured editor.

CVS is just a tool for keeping versioned files. Versioned files are
important. For one, it gives a paper trail. If you work on a file you
really should be using it.

As for diffs. How else are you going to team work on a file?

As for bug reports. People should be introduced into a system of getting
help on a computer, besides that of calling someone with a script.

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