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Re: [LUG] '4 areas where LINUX still FAILS compared to other operating systems'


On 15/02/2022 20:17, Sebastian wrote:
On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 08:34:33AM +0000, Tom via list wrote:
Another thing you can easily do with non-gui editors is extend their
capability. When I'd spent 8 years coding C on the Vax terminal
simply saving a .C or .H file set of a chain of actions that ran
every check I could automate to ensure my code was free of any
programming errors you could code checks for.
Absolutely! The tools might have changed, but automated testing and
editor integration is still invaluable. I use Emacs; I've written
little functions that run static code analysis and linting for
compiled languages like Go, and for more interactive languages I have
shortcuts to interact more quickly with the REPL.

I believe one of the ideas behind LLVM https://llvm.org/ was to provide the API so that editors could on the fly get all sorts of data even before the first compilation. It doesn't seem to have been taken up as much as I'd hoped

Tom te tom te tom

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