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[LUG]Re: Digging Emacs out of the grave.



On 27/03/2023 10:35, rds_met wrote:
Thanks for this explanation.
I’m obviously in a quiet backwater missing sensible updated ways of doing things.
What .emacs.d/ is - that’s very sensible.
Is there a good way of catching-up?  Goods info-sources?

File: emacs.info,  Node: Find Init,  Next: Init Non-ASCII,  Prev: Terminal Init,  Up: Init File
49.4.4 How Emacs Finds Your Init File

The first date I can find in my .emacs is 23 years ago, for a function which inserted a 
backquote because the old 286 laptop computer I used as a serial terminal while sitting out 
on the lawn didn’t have a backquote character.
So maybe I need to be more community-minded...

Nothing in my .emacs is that old, though I've been using emacs since 1998! Every few years I end up starting from scratch for one reason or another, and only adding customizations that are still relevant.

I keep finding that there are newer ways of doing things, or "new" packages (only introduced 10 years ago...) I didn't know about. Every now again I trawl through the package list from `M-x package-list-packages` for interesting things, and browse www.emacswiki.org



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