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Re: [LUG] Hate computers. Hate systemd. [Was Re: Hate computers. Hate HP. Hate USB.


On 15/11/2021 12:43, Julian Hall wrote:

*still puzzled*
Err.. given that no automount or mount file actually exist (at least find hasn't found them) WTH has it enabled and where is it?

Was busy making the most of the surf for a couple of days, back on dry land again now. Ok, where were we?

I can explain in depth how the systemd mount generator works later but first things first, let's see if we can actually fix the problem.

Normally I'd be pretty allergic to using such a blunt tool but I think in this case, it's actually the right tool for the job. So make sure the share is mounted first, probably by doing "sudo ls /media/julian/DEMETER" and checking it's present and correct. Then hammer it with:

sudo chown -R julian:julian /media/julian/DEMETER

That does exactly what you think it does, recursively. *If* you know you have some delicate nested files somewhere on that share where archived permissions are of critical value for whatever reason, do NOT run that command. It really will just recursively brute force change ownership on everything, no questions asked. Which as it happens, is exactly what you actually want.

This might take a while to run depending on how the NAS reacts to it. Shouldn't need a restart or anything although reloading the NFS client service might not be a bad idea. If in doubt reboot the NAS and the PC just to be completely sure of a fresh service start at both ends and see if normal operation is finally restored...

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