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Re: [LUG] Hate computers. Hate systemd. [Was Re: Hate computers. Hate HP. Hate USB.


On 07/11/2021 18:00, comrade meowski wrote:
On 07/11/2021 11:33, Julian Hall wrote:


Ok the problem is deceptively simple and to be fair I know we've looked at it before so I don't know why it hasn't been corrected by now.

You don't own the mountpoint itself and that's not going to help for a user automount via systemd. Systemd is still doing the heavy lifting here by the way - even if you just put an entry in /etc/fstab the "old fashioned way" then it's interpreted by and turned into a systemd unit file by the systemd mount generator. systemd has been doing it's job correctly for you all along.

Copy/paste exactly - watch out for not adding trailing slashes specifically. You want to change the permissions specifically on the mount point only, don't accidentally recurse down through the NFS share:

sudo ls /media/julian/DEMETER #will show root ownership of "." dir
sudo chown julian:julian /media/julian/DEMETER  #change it
ls /media/julian/DEMETER #will show julian now owns "." dir

And then reboot (bit heavy handed but whatever). I think you'll have an immediately working nfs automount then.

Check not with your desktop shortcut thingies which always seems broken anyway: just do ls /media/julian/DEMETER in a shell after reboot and check it automounts. Then:

sudo systemctl status media-julian-DEMETER.mount
sudo journalctl -u media-julian-DEMETER.automount -b

I think it's as simple as that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
julian@Cerce:~$ sudo ls /media/julian/DEMETER
[sudo] password for julian:
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julian@Cerce:~$ sudo chown julian:julian /media/julian/DEMETER
chown: changing ownership of '/media/julian/DEMETER': Operation not permitted
julian@Cerce:~$ ls /media/julian/DEMETER
ls: cannot open directory '/media/julian/DEMETER': Permission denied

Rebooted and still doing the same.


“The great tragedy of Science — the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly 

― Thomas Henry Huxley

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