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Re: [LUG] Lug meet Saturday


On 23/08/2020 19:12, Michael Everitt wrote:
> On 23/08/20 19:06, Paul Sutton wrote:
>> Hi All
>> We had a somewhat long but very interesting lug meet yesterday,  we
>> started at 12:00 and were still going at around 21:00 so a good 9 hours.
>> Lots of things were discussed,  around computers, surveillance,
>> accessibility and getting started with free software projects and some
>> of the barriers that still seem to be there.
>> Looks like there are also a few interesting projects especially one to
>> make all gtk apps under Gnome so they fit on screens of different sizes
>> properly (what was the name of the project to do that again ?), oh and a
>> discussion on pinebooks, Intel processor problems quite a lot more.  I
>> was a way for some parts of this.
>> Thank you to everyone who made it.
>> Next meeting (virtual) is on **26th September 12:00 -> when ever :D** on
>> Jitsi, unless otherwise stated, but even if we are back to physical meet
>> ups I think the virtual meetings work very well, so maybe that can carry
>> on, on a different weekend.
>> Regards
>> Paul
> As pointed out before - the Jitsi 'room' exists for anyone (!) to use
> when/if they choose .. perhaps a heads-up in IRC or here on the list if
> anyone is free for chat and it can be used more often... We certainly have
> LUG-related activities most weekends and if people are free, they could
> visit the room and idle during the usual 'sessions' if they wished. There
> is certainly quite a bit of interesting stuff going on, and one of the
> things we have learnt from the weekly Barnstaple meet-ups, is that you have
> a much greater sense of progression and socialising from meeting more
> frequently!

Good point Michael,  I will try and set something up,  and announce a
few days before hand.

For me Code club would normally run on the 1st and 3rd Saturday 10-12
and tech jam is 2nd Saturday 11-15:00, So next tech jam would have been
12th September.  If I am in from 12ish, as suggested, see who turns up.
 Will announce nearer the time.




Paul Sutton
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