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Re: [LUG] Jitsi Meet as a Flatpak


On 22/08/2020 11:16, Sebastian wrote:
> Dear all,
> Today's DCGLUG meeting has rather crept up on me and so I
> now realise that if there's any time to announce this it
> should be now!
> Recently Jitsi Meet was released as a Flatpak package, which
> bundles dependencies to improve compatibility and also
> provides 'sandboxing' preventing access to various services
> on your computer.
> The Flatpak is not official to Jitsi itself, but is built
> from the official Jitsi Meet desktop program. If you want to
> see who packaged it, see this link:
> https://github.com/flathub/flathub/pull/1690
> Perhaps some will benefit from being able to run Jitsi Meet
> in a separate window and as a separate process. This package
> seems to be reasonably well sandboxed as it has no access to
> any files on your system or home folder, although it does
> have access to devices (this obviously includes the
> microphone, I'm not sure whether this also includes storage
> devices).
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> If you already have Flatpak installed, here's the
> installation command for Jitsi:
> flatpak install flathub org.jitsi.jitsi-meet
> And if it's not in your application launch after you login
> out and in again, you can run it with this:
> flatpak run org.jitsi.jitsi-meet
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Best wishes, Sebastian
> Freenode: 'seabass'

Thanks, could be useful.
Flatpak is on openSUSE repositories, so I will have a look at my leisure.

Eion MacDonald

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