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Re: [LUG] Unlocking a D-Link network camera


Hi Julian
Thanks for your reply, but I was hoping for a slightly simpler activity, my computer skills are a bit limited. Wireshark looks very complicated and all I really want to do is display images through Cheese or VLC, or something, on my desktop.  Is there no way just to change the ip address of the camera and then open it on my local network?
Thanks again and stay well
Your technique is exquisite

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Tel: 01209 890084
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Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 10:53 PM
From: "Julian Hall" <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "DC LUG" <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [LUG] Unlocking a D-Link network camera

Hi Aaron,

It's as if you read my mind *LOL* I have three cameras bought from Amazon. Chinese allegedly but the router recognises the manufacturer as D-Link so something has been copied somewhere.

I'm not hugely fond of the cloud software either so I use MotionEye on a Raspberry Pi. You can add IP (Network) cameras to that in a couple of ways, one of which is with an RTSP url such as rtsp:// . If you have any software that will take an RTSP feed - and of course the cameras supply one - try Wireshark, start the camera streaming and then point Wireshark at it and search the output for RTSP. Failing that, try just using rtsp://<camera IP address>:554/11 . You may have to port forward 554 if it doesn't work that way.

Motioneye also has a (Beta) Android app which is worth a look :)

Kind regards,

On 24/03/2020 09:41, aaron moore wrote:

Hello all
I have a D-Link network camera (model DCS-932l) that only works through some kind of cloud interface. I would like to plug it straight into my own wifi system with the aim of trying to run remote Maker Space sessions (as www.cnccraft.co.uk/makerspace) I figure it could be amusing for some kids in these troubled times.  Can anybody tell me if this if possible and if so how.
Thanks and stay well
Your technique is exquisite

Please to check out my new website: www.cnccraft.co.uk
Tel: 01209 890084
Mob: 07805686188
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