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Re: [LUG] Use Jitsi for video conferencing was Re: Skype


On Wednesday, 25 March 2020 17:16:34 GMT comrade meowski wrote:
> To seasoned IT vets PaleMoon is one of those head-slapping "why the hell
> have you done that to yourself?" sort of things that just doesn't make
> sense. Notice how none of us are using it, that should tell you a lot...

Hey choice is choice.

My understanding is Pale Moon is heavily customisable, that often appeals to 
people with esoteric input needs, and heavily backward compatibility (again 
people may have investments in now deprecated interfaces - I've seen 
organizations support entire operating systems because it was less work than 
changing the rest of their stack to work with new, or so they thought when 
they started down that route).

I may agree with you but we can keep to why trying to support forks of 
browsers is a pain, and why Debian basically gave up trying to do it, when 
their forks were basically just back porting security fixes to maintain API 
stability during a release (which I'm sure we all agree is a goal with some 
clearly defined if modest value, especially if you are someone whose job is 
automating browser interactions - e.g. web regression testing - who inevitably 
ended up on stale browser versions to do just that).

>From a web conferencing perspective Pale Moon isn't big on WebRTC so online 
conference support going to be interesting with any web application.

On the other-hand faced with a choice between running most conferencing apps 
(free or proprietary) and running Chromium for the duration of a meeting, I'd 
run Chromium any day of the week. 

WebRTC does have one well known privacy issue, but if one is that paranoid 
there are also well known work arounds, but you probably also don't want to 
plug in a camera and microphone either.

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