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Re: [LUG] Linux Training


On 13/02/17 15:44, Gordon Henderson via list wrote:

I've taught people "Linux" in the past. Even been paid for it.

Here's the issues: Which Linux?

There are many. e.g. Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu, SuSE and 1000's of

Then there's the window manager. Or even a Desktop Environment.

Use the GUI (which GUI, see above), or the command-line (which shell,
there are as many as there are GUIs)

These days I tell people (who want something other than MS Winows) to
get a life and buy a Mac.


I LOL too. I could never tell people to get a Mac. One because they are way too expensive and two because I have never used one so I won't advise about something about which I know nothing.

But thanks for the laugh,


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