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Re: [LUG] OT: Curious spam similar to Yahoo! stuff


At that point I came to the conclusion that yahoo are a bunch of clueless

You missed out a few other words. Here, let me help;

"bunch of criminally motivated, fraudulent and clueless tossers"

I am unable to substantiate this, but I have a strong belief that Yahoo are complicit in selling access details to their users email accounts and propogating spam. Doing seemingly nothing to stop the ongoing major security breaches that have plagued them for over half a decade, and only reacting to user complaints enough to avoid being publically branded a spamhaus.

If you're using yahoo for email, and quite possibly other services, forget about being overlooked by the NSA - I have little doubt your information is available to the highest bidder - either with Yahoo management's agreement, or without it and they're incompetent to a criminal degree by allowing it to continue for so long.

In short, avoid Yahoo! as much as you can.
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