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Re: [LUG] Sad encounter


> Well, as both Windows 8 and Mac OS 10.8 are doing such a good job of
> alienating and annoying their paying customers, it's entirely possible
> that if nothing else, pure desperation might drive a few more users to
> linux, even if reluctantly. I have multiple clients for whom
> win8/mac10.8 is proving to be the final straw (nothing wrong with Server
> 2012 to be fair, but it's hardly a desktop OS for the casual user).
> Hopefully any of these hypothetical brave users jumping ship won't make
> the usual mistake and try vanilla ubuntu first though, it's almost as
> bad. I must say, I didn't really see the current state of affairs
> coming: the three main current operating system choices (win8, mac 10.8,
> ubuntu w/unity) are all absolute car crashes. A time traveller from five
> years ago would have a heart attack if they were sat down in front of
> these dogs and seriously told it's what passes for the state of the art
> in 2012... Strange times.
> Regards
Well this is where good adivce will be useful and I guess if they see
you as a linux expert then you are in a position to suggest the right

Lubuntu works great for me,  however i guess debian + lxde is pretty
much the same sort of thing, or as rob suggested mint.

Important thing is they feel supported and can ask questions and get
answers,  providfe that (even with the help of the lug) and you area in
for a chance on converting people over.



skype : psutton111


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