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Re: [LUG] File sharing: article by Which


Simon Williams wrote:
On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Mike Martin <redtux1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just a point - according to media industry the same file can be
legally downloaded but illegally uploaded

That sounds like a legal joke.

I know that code, artwork, etc is often released as "free to use, but
please don't distribute, link to us instead". But I seriously doubt
anyone would sue over this unless you were making money from it.

What other circumstances would make something free to download but not upload?

Where the licensing terms make it free for one group of users, but not
for all others.  It's quite common in that situation (based on my
experience) to have a clause in the licence preventing redistribution.
I imagine anything like that is unlikely to be offered by the
distributor via a P2P network though.


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