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[LUG] Plymouth & O2


Hi guys,

My sister is now attending the University of Plymouth. However she is
having trouble connecting to the wireless from her Ubuntu Thinkpad T30.

I don't know what's going on. She has upgraded Ubuntu at least 3 times
and perhaps the bloatware that's the Gnome network manager has decided
to fail unsurprisingly. She does say it works at work at home fine.
Perhaps I wrote in a /etc/network/interfaces. I can't remember!

So is there any LUG member at the University that could help her resolve
the problem?

I'm now based in Woking, Surrey. Argh...

In other news I am thinking of moving my parent's broadband in Bodmin
from Eclipse to O2 as a couple of my friends are raving about them.


Any opinions on the matter?

With thanks,
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