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Re: [LUG] CCC Computer refurbishment


On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 19:14:28 +0000
Paul Sutton wrote:

> >
> > As a footnote, early tests for the latest release of the Office
> > product shows that when using the compatibility download, there is
> > forward and backward compatibility for files created in either
> > Office 2002, 2003, or 2007. The council has seamlessly and
> > automatically deployed this compatibility pack to all of its
> > computers."
> >
> > I propose to write back next week.
> >   
> I can't tell from that paragraph if they are using MS office, or
> using a compatible product,  I sounds like they are using openoffice
> paul

They're using Microsoft Office with the "free download" from
Microsoft's website that allows Microsoft Office 2003 to read/write
Microsoft Office 2007 file formats. Microsoft Office 2007 reads/writes
Microsoft Office 2003 anyway.

The only council that runs "something else" is Penwith - they're with

I tend keep on my pendrive a copy of Sun Microsystem's "free download"
tool that give Microsoft Office 2003 the ability to read/write ODF


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