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Rob Beard wrote:
> Simon Avery wrote:
>> Keith Menadue wrote:
>> Backup connection
>>> Dial up modems
>> Talking of which, read the small print on one of those USB mobile sticks 
>> that are in the sunday papers, figured it would be handy to have if the 
>> adsl went down again. (I'm very rural, lots of overhead between here and 
>> the exchange)
>> £10/month
>> 1GB cap.
>> Exceed the cap and extra bandwidth charged at £1/MB
>> Inadvertently download a double sided DVD ISO and you're looking at a 
>> bill of around seven thousand pounds by my reckoning.
>> Something clenched when I read that and I decided not to get one...

Do these USB mobile sticks actually work with Linux.
I ask as I would like to use one with my little Asus eee Laptop when we 
are travelling.


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