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Re: [LUG] ms office, openoffice and vista


Rob Beard wrote:
> Paul Sutton wrote:
>> David Bell wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 04 March 2008 17:35:34 Anton Channing wrote:
>>>> David Bell wrote:
>>>>> On Sunday 02 March 2008 11:38:06 Rob Beard wrote:
>>>>>> Easy, install Linux and wipe Windows :-)
>>>>> Er, wipe Windows, then install Linux - always my first frivolous
>>>>> suggestion in cases like this :)  Usually falls on stony ground however
>>>>> :(
>> This will be a club computer,  so far I have simply asked if Open office 
>> can be installed as I have so much work in that format,  Ideally once we 
>> have an office at the club + computer + printer,  I can move some of the 
>> files created at home to the club computer,  which means, that anyone 
>> who has appropriate login can simply print them off. Or I can simply go 
>> upstairs,  login, open required file and print off,   which for me will 
>> me much easier.
>> if this is not possible, i may ask for additional power sockets to be in 
>> stalled, + perhaps a few cat 5 sockets,  so I can plug a laptop in.  I 
>> will have to tell the laptop where to print too,  but with any luck it 
>> will be a network aware printer anyway.
>> If that fails there is always flash drives,  :)  assuming vista can 
>> handle these in a sensible way.   plug in.  open my computer find files.
>> Paul
> Is this computer one they already have or is it one you're putting 
> together for them?
> I'd be pretty certain that Vista could handle flash drives (I mean, they 
> are a pretty common item now so it would be crazy not to accept them).
> Even if they get a basic laser or inkjet printer, it should be possible 
> to share that over a simple network assuming that the computer is 
> plugged into an router (which dishes out IP addresses) which you can 
> then plug your laptop into, or a switch with either every machine being 
> set to a static IP address or have internet connection sharing enabled 
> on the PC.
> If all else fails, just export your documents to a PDF or save copies of 
> them in Word/Excel/Powerpoint 97 format.
> Rob
Its one that is  being built for the club, by a friend of the 
webmaster,  I am only a coach and help with some first team stuff,  ok i 
have access to the website to update stuff,  I am just trying to make my 
life easier and have some imput regarding computers,  given the amount 
of work that I have in odt format. 

 From what I can gather here,  Open office should work,,   i have 
requested it,  so I can work with the files I have,  and I don't have to 
either import them or rewrite them.  I think i have made a good argument 
for getting it installed along side or instead of MS office,  but its up 
to the club. 



Support open file formats use ISO 26300 Open Document format
as used by openoffice.org,  http:///www.openoffice.org

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