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Re: [LUG] migrating from M$ office


OO.o and M$  formats.
Working with transmittable *editable* documents in M$ format or OO.o or *any* other mutually editable document is extremely dangerous unless both parties use *exactly* the same software and security systems and hardware.

Even without conversion then there is a problem. All sets ups *do not* show same detail or record. (I write contract and technical document for international petroleum industry, semi-conductor and nuclear industries so have wide experience in this).

If you exchange 'working versions' also always send a PDF format of the document as sent as well for record. This is where OO.o is superior to M$ Office.

All 4000 odd machines have * same * version of M$ Office but we experience a lot of hassle due to effect of other software and machine hardware in rendering 'exact' view.

We have started not to use formatted documents but exchange working versions in raw pure text only.

Eion MacDonald (eionmac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
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Michael Mortimore wrote:
I have the opposite opinion to Henry. I think that Openoffice is a
good alternative to msoffice on its own but I don't consider it useful
for dealng with msoffice documents and msoffice users.

Since the conversion isn't perfect, I have to keep checking the docs
in msoffice before I show them to anyone else (I'm happy to deal with
content first and layout at the end but I seem to be in the minority
on that point.). Eg. ooo and mso highlight text in different ways.
When I give a doc with highlighted text to someone else they can't
unhighlight it in the normal way. There are many more little things
like that that add up to a large problem when several people are
writing the one document and you're the only linux user in the

Oocalc seems to be the best for interoperabliliy. The only issue I've
had is with vba. It seems to think it can understand vba but I've
never seen it work. I'm glad to say that I've never had reason to use
ooimpress. Death by powerpoint isn't something I wish to inflict on

It's a different matter if you own the document and others only have
to read it. The conversion only has to happen once.

On 8/1/07, Henry Bremridge <henry.bremridge@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I use oOo in a work environment and find it works well in converting to and from MS.

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