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Re: [LUG] Samba is signing up for GPL v3


David Johnson wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 July 2007 17:56, Mark Jose wrote:
>> I believe that GPLv3 has allowed for the MS/Novell deal. Jeremy stated on
>> Slashdot that he saw no reason why Novell could not include the GPLv3
>> licenced Samba in future releases -
> Indeed. As I understand it (although IANAL, etc.), the specific 
> Novell/Microsoft deal has been allowed, but any similar deals made in the 
> future will be affected by the license. The license states that if such a 
> deal is made, the patent protection must be extended to everyone who receives 
> the software (and not just to customers of those involved in the deal). This 
> is quite clever - deals intended to divide the community and give some Linux 
> distributors an unfair advantage (as you might risk getting sued for patent 
> infringement if you go to a distributor who hasn't partnered with Microsoft) 
> will now provide a substantial benefit to the entire community by giving 
> everyone patent protection.
> Personally I can't wait for the anti-tivoisation stuff to take affect. There 
> are some NAS vendors whose devices run Linux (and Samba) and make it 
> impossible for device owners to run altered firmware based on the available 
> source code, meaning I can't fix the software that's running on the hardware 
> I've paid for even though it's FLOSS.
> Regards,
> David.

Ahh I see, so Novell got away with it, but if M$ strike any more deals 
like this then the patent deal covers everyone.  Take it M$ won't have 
any more deals like this then.

Did the Linspire/M$ deal or that other one (can't remember which distro 
it was) happen before the date which all this became enforced or did 
they get away with it too?


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