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Re: [LUG] Linux and Firewire


Robin Cornelius wrote:
> Julian Hall wrote:
>> So the HD looks OK, but the Dazzle still gives errors trying to cap
>> with dvgrab.  'no such file or handle'
> Other thoughts
> Have you tried dvgrab from the command line eg
> dvgrab --dv1394 /dev/raw1394
I can only try from the command line atm.  I haven't looked into a GUI 
based system as I thought it was pointless until I get the underlying 
system working.  Otherwise I wouldn't know if ti was the GUI or the code 
underneath that was the problem.

I use dvgrab -foo*  (I think - I'm in Windows atm)
> or have you looked under
> /dev/ieee1394/dv/hostX/
> and try passing that as the --dv1394 parameter
Thanks I'll try that.
> Also it might be a permissions problem.
> Depending on your distro you may wish to start dvgrab as root
> either directly (but this won't always work due to xserver permissions)
> or via kdesu eg
I usually su and then try dvgrab, but I'll try root.  :)
> kdesu dvgrab
> that will prompt for root password but allow app to run on your xsession.

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