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[LUG] buying a laptop, and some m$ talk


hi there,
I just got asked (again) where is the best place to
buy a computer. I usually say look on the web, but
folk why ask where to buy generally want a more
specific answer.

The recipinet of this particular computer could well
have become a linux newbie, rather than a windows one
... if i had known a hassle free way to go and buy a
linux laptop in Cornwall.

We ended up going to pc world, and i looked after the
kids whilst my partner and her mother bought a nice
new winxp laptop and i gagged.

I said: get him to come see me once he's opened it,
and I'll install good safety stuff on there...but so
far i guess he's relying in herd immunity, or the
default firewall..

so my question is this: ppl occasionally ask me where
to buy a pc; whats the easy answer to buying open
source for people who don't want to think much about

thanks in advance,

i was relieved the other day when i read that directx
10 will be totally different to 9, as i nearly started
investing time and effort in learning 9. 
directx 10 will only work on vista though, which means
that heavy pc gamers will need to upgrade to vista,
get a console, or not bother. Is this vendor-lock?

Will open source ever truly challenge m$ in the pc
gaming api arena? Will openGL ever be as good and well
used as directx?

any comments? I'd like to learn nothing but open
source, but for gaming/3d/animation the proprietary
tools just kinda suck you in

Yahoo! DSL ? Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

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