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On Wednesday 27 April 2005 21:26, Grant Sewell wrote:
On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 20:35:17 +0100

Anton Channing wrote:

As for editors, I quite like KATE, it is a glorified
text editor (which is all you need), and has nice
colour coding and can do bulk tab and un-tab
on selections.

Quanta also does this bulk tabbing... surprising how the little things are
sometimes the most useful.  I also quite like the way Quanta auto-closes
tags when you type </ and presents a nice pop-down list of valid tag

I was just looking at Quanta Plus as a result of you
previous posting, and I agree it looks quite nice.  

A bit feature heavy for my own needs, but definitely 
good.  To me, any editor that doesn't replace tabs 
with spaces (yuk!) is acceptable, and Quanta passes 
that test... ;)


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