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Re: [LUG] Download script


Rob Beard wrote:

Possibly not exactly what you want, but works and you've probably got it running already:
ssh (using Putty if from a windows machine)

Sorry, I shoulda read the other replies first. The suggestion of using a different port for your server is a good one, but if you're still insistent on using the web method, read on. :)

Might have to do that, but I did have a quick search for file i/o and downloading files on PHP and came up with:
Says something about CURL on PHP.
Looks like it might be time to learn a bit of PHP. :)

Only if you want to learn it, and want to use this as a nice project. Otherwise, http://sourceforge.net is always your best friend when it comes to the "Someone must've done this before" scenario.

A quick troll digs up:

http://sourceforge.net/projects/fetch/ "A web-based http download tool."

But no doubt there are many more.

Simon Avery

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