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Re: [LUG] Organising Meets

On Tuesday 28 September 2004 19:49, Julian Hall wrote:
Sadie Brinham wrote:
I have another,related question:can a set of 3 or4 ISOs be burned onto a
single DVD?Say-the four Fedora Core Tettnang installion ISOs or the 3
Turbo Linux Workstation?

Yes they can.  I got my current MDK10 install from an LF cover DVD back
in May.  I had to use rawrite to build the three ISOs onto the HD and
then burn them onto CDs, but I see no reason that (however many ISOs
that can fit onto a 4.7Gb DVD+R) couldn't be burned onto it
preassembled.  Just use the basic data DVD mode and copy the files onto
the DVD rather than using the copy ISO mode to create a whole disk :)
Taking into account the loss of space for formatting you should be able
to get 5 *maybe* 6 ISOs onto one DVD.

Kind regards,


So,if I burned 4 ISOs-disc 1,disc2,disc3,disc4 as you described,when a person 
booted from the resulting DVD,would the installation run as normal?
In other words,it would progress from one stage to the next,you just wouldn't 
have to change discs?..Tell you what,I'll do a dummy run on the AMD 
Duron.Then we'll know for sure.

Shall I get busy toward the next meet,then?(Really seeking official 


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