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Re: [LUG] Email forwarding

Neil Williams wrote:

It is frankly anti-competitive, is it not? Should there not be
legislation to protect consumers from this behaviour?

Should, but this is the internet - it's not covered specifically by ANY
legislation, it's a hotch-potch of laws laid down when only paper documents

Hmm, it is a restriction on competition in that it is difficult
to move account. Although a lot of people leave email addresses
behind in order to lose the SPAM....

Well, I thought so. And I emailed oftel. And I think I got a stupid
reponse really.

Not that bad, it really isn't part of Oftel's remit. It's not really part of
any watchdog's remit

I thought OFTEL was being replaced by a body with a more general

Anyway a lot of the Internet community aren't keen on
regulation, not least as governments tend to pass a law and
think they are done, when the net is a bit bigger than any one
government. Just look how much trouble the world governments are
having agreeing on how to deal with global warming (I would say
prevent, but it is a bit late for that), then ask "would you
want these people to regulate the Internet?".....

Probably better to look at ISP bodies and groups like the
consumer association, a little pressure (mostly you only want UK
ISPs signed up initially I guess) might get them to agree a
scheme, like the banks did. I mean not agreeing is tantamount to
admitting your service is lousy.

Similarly what constitutes an email address is probably best
left to ISPs, I mean "wretched.demon.co.uk" is much like
"joe.smith@xxxxxxxxxxxx", in I'd want to take all mail for the
domain with me when I go - only an MX record for Demon, but the
receiving ISP might need to do some work to take a whole domain

Don't see why you can't revive and old email address using
fetchmail, not sure if spam assassin can be applied that way
without fiddling, but I filter most of my spam with a handful of
simple rules, which could be done with all sorts of tools
(procmail if your brave).


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