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Re: [LUG] Email forwarding

On Thu, Jul 04, 2002 at 10:04:15PM +0100, Simon Waters wrote:
having agreeing on how to deal with global warming (I would say
prevent, but it is a bit late for that), then ask "would you
want these people to regulate the Internet?".....

Simple legislation or "guidelines" as they are called now I had mind do
not have to be World Wide or European wide. Just to say something
sensible to UK ISPs which is quite reasonable to maintain a free market.
Provide forwarding to your clients if they decide to switch ISPs. I do
not see why the "whole Internet" has to be dragged into this!

Probably better to look at ISP bodies and groups like the
consumer association, a little pressure (mostly you only want UK
ISPs signed up initially I guess) might get them to agree a
scheme, like the banks did. I mean not agreeing is tantamount to
admitting your service is lousy.

That is a good way of tackling it, but who would run it? And it will
probably too low key for the big ISPs (with something to lose) to agree.

Similarly what constitutes an email address is probably best
left to ISPs, I mean "wretched.demon.co.uk" is much like
"joe.smith@xxxxxxxxxxxx", in I'd want to take all mail for the
domain with me when I go - only an MX record for Demon, but the
receiving ISP might need to do some work to take a whole domain

I think managing a foward with some good software and good admins is not
a problem.

Don't see why you can't revive and old email address using
fetchmail, not sure if spam assassin can be applied that way
without fiddling, but I filter most of my spam with a handful of
simple rules, which could be done with all sorts of tools
(procmail if your brave).

Because ISPs will not allow you to connect to their mail servers, from
other ISPs!


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