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Re: [LUG] Apt upgrading zoneminder. or not in this case - solved, going to dist upgrade at some point


On Thu, 9 Jun 2022 16:02:02 +0800
stinga <stinga+dcglug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello stinga,

>We are talking at cross purposes.

Ah, I see.  My apologies.  A misunderstanding on my part, no doubt.

>I thought I has seen a newer version on dmo, there isn't which is

Well, there is, but not in Stretch.  A pity you're not on Buster,
because there's a newer version there, and an even newer one in
Buster-backports.  Although a Stretch-backports repo exists at DMO,
there's no zoneminder version there.  I've not asked, but suspect it's
due to dependencies that cannot be fulfilled in Stretch.

>And more good news I have found some space on another server, so I am 
>going to install there and somehow move the data and upgrade the DB.

Sounds like a plan.  Good luck.

>How hard can it be? :-)

All I can hear is Jeremy Clarkson saying that.  I hope it doesn't turn
out like many of the Top Gear projects:  "Ambitious but Rubbish."    :-D

In reality, I'm sure things will be fine.

 Regards  _
         / )      "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
        / _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
But they didn't tell him the first two didn't count
Tin Soldiers - Stiff Little Fingers

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