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Re: [LUG] Apt upgrading zoneminder. or not in this case - solved, going to dist upgrade at some point


On 09/06/2022 05:10, Mark Thurston wrote:
If you were to dist-upgrade your system to a more recent version of
Debian (for example, bullseye), you may not need to rely on a
third-party repository:
Yeah, I realise that now.
Due to its location I can't dist upgrade currently, but will be in a position to upgrade it in a month or so.


I'd always favour using the official repo, if possible, but you might
still prefer a third party source if you must have the very latest
upstream version.
I always do but this was a bit of a rush a few years ago and the advise at the  time was to install from the dmo repo.
Unfortunately, it seems that it will never update to a newer version even there is one available so it seems that the dmo repo does not really work as it never updates.
Things have moved on and the dmo repo may no longer be required.
You're less likely to get dependency issues this way as a lot of time
and effort has gone in to the release engineering process to ensure
packages from the official Debian sources work well together.
I agree.

Thanks Mark!
This was the sort of useful answer/info I was looking for.
Brad's info/help as well!

Email: stinga+dclug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx   o
You need only two tools.        o /////
A hammer and duct tape. If it    /@   `\  /) ~
doesn't move and it should use  >  (O)  X<  ~  Fish!!
the hammer. If it moves and      `\___/'  \) ~
shouldn't, use the tape.           \\\
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