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[LUG] Search and indexing daemons


A few years back there was a concerted effort to push things like
Baloo, NEPOMUK, Strigi, tracker onto Linux desktop releases. They
always appeared very difficult to reliably and permanently disable for
all user accounts and they were viewed with disfavour by the more
paranoid members of the community. Legitimately so, IMO. They took
data from a fixed known controlled environment and spread it like
butter all over people's hard drives, goodness knows where it went
after that.

I'd distinguish them from indexing filenames, like locate / whereis.
It's the scanning and extracting from file contents I'm focused on. I
had a two-post rant on linuxquestions a decade back when it crept into
Slackware, of all places, who should have known better, and mostly
what I got was it's part of the gui and stuff won't work without it.

Do any of the releases you're using incorporate any at the moment? KDE
and Gnome and Unity in particular had a history of embedding them,
I've no idea about Cinnamon. Xfce appears not to at the moment.

Is anyone else wary of them?

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