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Re: [LUG] Search and indexing daemons


On 14/10/20 23:53, John PNZ wrote:
> A few years back there was a concerted effort to push things like
> Baloo, NEPOMUK, Strigi, tracker onto Linux desktop releases. They
> always appeared very difficult to reliably and permanently disable for
> all user accounts and they were viewed with disfavour by the more
> paranoid members of the community. Legitimately so, IMO. They took
> data from a fixed known controlled environment and spread it like
> butter all over people's hard drives, goodness knows where it went
> after that.
> I'd distinguish them from indexing filenames, like locate / whereis.
> It's the scanning and extracting from file contents I'm focused on. I
> had a two-post rant on linuxquestions a decade back when it crept into
> Slackware, of all places, who should have known better, and mostly
> what I got was it's part of the gui and stuff won't work without it.
> Do any of the releases you're using incorporate any at the moment? KDE
> and Gnome and Unity in particular had a history of embedding them,
> I've no idea about Cinnamon. Xfce appears not to at the moment.
> Is anyone else wary of them?
Usually they're tightly woven into Personal-Information-Management
applications (email, calendar, contacts) etc and often hard to use or even
build without these key 'components'.

I've used Thunderbird cross-platform for a number of years now (since I
ditched Outlook XP!) and it's pretty well-managed within the sqlite
flat-file databases mozilla uses. There are plenty of working plugins for
sync with eg. Google, CalDAV, CardDav etc too.

I did fight with akonadi back in the KDE4 days, and I believe Plasma5 isn't
a whole lot better if you use the PIM modules/apps. Allegedly its "better"
but given the starting point was -so- bad, I wouldn't say that was 'good' ...

That's the short version from here!
veremitz / Michael.

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