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Re: [LUG] Chromebooks


On Wed, 30 Sep 2020, 18:27 Mark Andrew Smith via list,
Surely that's a typo?
THAT could be exactly your issue, then.
A 4GB Chromebook is perfectly good for "normal" surfing and web-based
activities. I think 7 would be a quite lot of tabs to have open, but I
guess people might do that?

Kind regards,

Mark Smith

Nope. 70 is not an uncommon number of tabs for me to have open. Not all the time, but if I'm doing some serious digging I will usually open a link in a discussion on a new tab - if the new tab doesn't hold any fruit for my search then I can close it and go back to the discussion easily.

But then I have 56GB of RAM in my main rig - only 4 in my laptop. I wouldn't dream of trying to put my laptop through the strain of 70+ tabs!

Grant. :)
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