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Re: [LUG] Chromebooks


On Tue, 29 Sep 2020 17:34:16 +0100
Sebastian <seabass@xxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Sebastian,

>Dear Brad,
>> Until I got an electric car, all I used a mobile for was making calls.
>> Still don't stream online content.  
>Streaming content is not for everyone, and certainly not whilst driving!


Well, not to the driver, at any rate.

>But really, that is my point - most people do not even scratch the
>surface of their devices' power as it is, but that doesn't stop the

I know I don't.  All the apps I have are data entry / data logging apps.
Hardly processor intensive.  I mean, who needs 360° rotatable 
photorealistic real time updates for power production stats from a solar
panel array?

>relentless marketing/journalism that £300 is barely 'mid-range' for a

I remember reading/hearing about Nike sports shoes (running shoes,
etc.), as prices increase, one gets (arguably) better quality equipment,
until about £100 (probably more now, this was a few years back) at
which point one gets nothing extra - it's all about vanity.  IOW, some
schmo will always pay £300 for something that you buy for £100.

>What I would like to see is a free software 'dumbphone', that would have
>just enough processing power to install a few programs for individual
>use cases - in your case, maybe something to interface with the car's

Trouble is, 'everybody' (for certain values of everybody) develops for
Android, Microsoft or Apple, and that's it.  Anything else, and I
couldn't interface car and phone.  TBH it's not essential, but does make
certain stuff easier.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
We're going to hell anyway, let's travel first class
Saturday Night - Kaiser Chiefs

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