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Re: [LUG] Tomorrow: online Vim conference


Dear all,

Vimconf 2020 has finished and I must add I thoroughly enjoyed it. There
were many interesting talks; all of them are going to be uploaded to
Youtube for anyone to watch after the event - as I write this, one has
just been uploaded.


There seem to be some others that have been uploaded independently on
the speakers' own channels.

I imagine there was something in this for everyone but here are a few
that I think were highlights:

https://youtu.be/bq0AksG6-S4 - about the Language Server Protocol, a
system designed so that there can be features like jumping to
definitions and static type analysis built into editors, but without the
need to reimplement these for every different editor. NeoVim now has
in-built LSP support.

https://youtu.be/EJqnWXDJZr0 - a very fun talk comparing music to Vim,
how musical-style practice can apply to text editing and a creative
example of playing MIDI inside Vim with Telnet and a Python script!

https://youtu.be/QQVaiztPzxQ - a talk about an effective way of learning
Vim - Vim has a reputation for being complicated but the speaker
explains a pragmatic way to improve.

https://youtu.be/RZZhPgH1sAk - a talk about interactive Lisp evaluation
and how this can be used to improve the software development workflow.
It seems a bit like doing unit testing manually within Vim as part of
the programming process.

I hope these links may be of some interest to those who couldn't attend
it live but are interested in efficient text editing.

Best wishes, Sebastian
Freenode: 'seabass'

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