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[LUG] Perl development and systems engineer role



We're looking for some open source oriented talent to join our team at iwantmyname. 

3 roles due to growth and backfilling (mostly people following their interests into specialist roles in different teams in our parent company)

Looking for 2 perl developers and a system and software engineer (also perl) to work in a remote/distributed agile team. The platform is a mix of modern perl and a curious mix legacy software including freebsd, couchdb and erlang. Upcoming projects include migrating and replacing the legacy software and moving from freebsd to dockerised containers on aws.

Full details at https://careers.centralnicgroup.com/jobs/1644905-software-system-engineer-perl-retail and https://careers.centralnicgroup.com/jobs/1644763-software-engineer-perl-retail

In case you're wondering why I'm posting here for a New Zealand brand, I'm the engineering team lead and I'm based in here in Cornwall, just outside Truro.


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